Eye Exams

Eye Exams in Athens, TN

woman getting eye exam

Get Your Eyes Examined Regularly

Patients regularly remark to us that their vision is extremely critical to them for their job and other activities. We agree! We want to make sure that you keep good vision for life!

Getting a new vision prescription is an important part of an eye exam, but it's just one of the reasons you should have your eyes checked. Eye diseases typically don't cause noticeable symptoms early on--no vision loss or discomfort. But an eye exam can detect disorders and at-risk conditions early enough to prevent permanent vision loss.

During your eye exam, to determine your best glasses and/or contact lens prescription, we perform objective and subjective digital refractions, as well as test your visual acuity, eye alignment, and eye muscles. Checking your eye health involves tests of your eye pressure (for glaucoma), pupil responses, and visual fields; as well as ophthalmoscopy to visually inspect the parts of your eye. And you'll be excited to know that we can check your retinas thoroughly with an optomap without dilating your eyes!

And our eye exams are never complete without educating you about our findings, your treatment options, and our recommendations for keeping your vision good for life!

Comprehensive and Routine Eye Exams For:

    • Glasses
    • Contact lenses
    • Detection of disease
    • Counseling on disease prevention

Latest Technology for Proper Eye Examination

We use Optos optomap® retinal imaging to examine your eyes. This testing is done without dilating your eyes! This latest technology of retinal imaging helps us to assess your retina properly for complete eye care. 

Whether you need corrective lenses or not, eye exams are important for keeping your eyes healthy and helping you see the world clearly. It’s important that you visit your eye doctor for regular check-ups and eye exams to keep your prescription up to date and to make sure there aren’t any eye conditions that might be affecting you.

The Importance of Eye Exams

Your eyes can constantly change, and it’s important to stay up to date with your prescription so that you can properly focus on life without having to squint and strain your eyes. You should be visiting your eye doctor at least once a year for a regular exam to make sure that there aren’t risks for eye conditions that can affect your vision.

If you are experiencing any eye pain, irritation, or injury, you should be sure to visit your eye doctor as soon as possible, even if your last visit was less than a year ago. During your exam, your doctor will also be checking your eye movement and peripheral vision to make sure that you’re as healthy as can be!

We're state licensed and board certified. Come visit our clinic in the Athens Walmart building.

Schedule your next appointment today! Help keep your eyes healthy by contacting Liberty Eye Care in Athens, TN, at (423) 436-8972 for an exam.



9:00 am - 1:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 3:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm



